Helping UK homeowners, one house at a time
Mentioned in

Nick Geary


Author Expertise


  • Solar panels
  • Heat pumps
  • Boilers
  • Renewable transition
Author Experience


  • 400+ articles edited
  • Work featured across 9 sites
  • Writing for WhatCost since
    May 2022

About Nick

Nick has been writing about the heating industry since 2022, and has been witness to the gradual shift towards renewable heating technologies, as well as the growing importance of renewable technologies in the UK.

With a background in marketing and advertising, Nick is able to understand what drives people to want to invest in renewable technologies, whether it’s from an environmentally friendly or money saving perspective.

This not only allows him to highlight the benefits and drawbacks of different technologies in simple terms, but also provides him with the ability to help our readers make decisions based on their own specific circumstances and motivations.

Whether you want to save the planet or save your wallet, Nick can help you to make a decision that works best for you.