The colder weather season is just around the corner, which brings less sunshine and shorter days. This is a time when many believe that their home is safe from pests, but this simply isn’t the case.
Even in autumn and winter pests can be active to cause damage to your property and carry potentially deadly diseases. It’s important you identify that you have a pest problem as soon as possible. This limits potential damage to your home and prevents the possibility of you becoming ill after coming into contact with some of these pests.
To make the job of identifying these pests easier, our experts are going to talk about five pests that the general public needs to watch out for during the colder seasons.
Rats are common inside properties during the winter months, this is because they look for somewhere warm to escape the harsher outside conditions. To prevent them from infesting your home, block all routes of entry. This includes; vents, pipes and gaps in areas such as your loft or garage on your driveway. Otherwise, they will take advantage, if you're struggling with this then don't be shy about calling a professional.
Like rats, mice enter homes to escape the cold and to stay warm during winter. They can also carry dangerous diseases like salmonella and cause extensive damage to your property. Mice enjoy biting through things; they will happily chew through wood to get to where they want to go. If you spot any bite marks, then it's important to take action. You can block potential entrances to your home and layout mouse sticky traps to catch any intruders. Make sure that your food is secured as them gaining access, and you consuming some of the exposed food could be deadly.
Squirrels are one of the most well-liked pests in the animal kingdom, however, don't be fooled. These cunning creatures can cause a lot of damage if given the opportunity. Like other pests, they will seek warmth during the winter and will bite through wooden doors to get it. Preventing them is similar to rats and mice, by ensuring there are no open entrances to your property.
Although most wasps die off when the colder months come around, some take refuge inside your home by building a nest. They shouldn’t be a problem if not disturbed, however, accidentally coming across one can be very dangerous. So deal with it before the warmer months return, as otherwise, you will be left with a much bigger problem. Call in a professional to remove it, so it’s done in an efficient and safe manner.
Similarly to wasps, spiders will use your home as a refuge whilst it's cold. They are harmless, but many people across the UK have a serious fear of them. If that is you then it might be best to solve the problem as early as possible. The best thing to do is, if you see one, pick up a magazine and cup before trapping and putting it outside. But take into consideration that spiders do an excellent job at keeping other insect pests away.
''After the summer season, the UK is due to a sustained period of cold weather. Due to the cold, it’s easy to think that pests are no longer a problem. However, this is not true.
You must keep on your toes to ensure your home is clear of any potential pests. They can be dangerous to yourself and your family, so use these tips to identify if you have a pest problem and what the pest is.''
Josh Houston is a writer at WhatCost whose passionate about the world of renewable energy, energy saving solutions and home improvements. He specialises in providing useful tips that our readers can adopt for their own needs. His skills involve translating complex topics to something more understandable.