Five Common Pests to Look Out for in Spring
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Last updated: 21 February 2025

Five Common Pests to Look Out for in Spring

Spring is only days away, which will be a massive relief to many across the UK. It will bring lighter evenings and warmer days. However, this isn’t everything it will deliver; spring will also lead to the arrival of troublesome pests that the public needs to be aware of.

Pests are a nuisance; they can cause damage to our homes, gardens, and physical health. It’s crucial that you are aware of the ones to look out for over the next three months. 

To give you a helping hand, Property Expert Joshua Houston has revealed the five common spring pests to look out for.

1: Aphids

Aphids survive over winter as eggs on plants. Once spring arrives with warmer temperatures, those eggs hatch, leading to a rapid population increase. To locate an aphid, look for a tiny pear-shaped insect that can come in many colours. 

They are a nightmare for plants in your garden, as they will suck juices from leaves and stems, which results in discolouration. Not only this, but they also produce a waste product called honeydew, which attracts ants due to its sugar content. Fortunately, aphids are easy to get rid of. Simply spray them with your garden hose pipe, and they should be knocked off your plants. It’s rare for them to climb back on a plant after being washed off.

2: Fleas

Fleas thrive in warmer conditions, so it’s no surprise that they rise in population during spring. The most common way they get through your front door is via your pet. They are attracted to body heat and carbon dioxide, which makes dogs and cats their perfect form of transport. When on a victim, they are very irritable due to their continuous biting and potential to spread disease. Locating fleas is quite simple; inspect your pets for small reddish-brown insects that move quickly.

You can get rid of fleas by thoroughly bathing your pets or yourself with soap and water. A flea comb is also useful to make sure the fleas are removed from your pets and the hairy parts of your body.

3: Wasps

The queen wasp emerges from hibernation in the spring, which leads to an increase in the number of wasps. It’s important to be aware of this, as, during this time, the queen will look for places to build a nest. Areas in and around homes are common targets due to the extra shelter. So, removing a nest early in spring will prevent a more dangerous situation in May or the summer months.

Wasps are one of the most notoriously hated insects by the British public due to their painful stings and constant annoyance. Traps (£4 to £12 depending on the quality), sprays (£6 to £20), and removing food sources can all be used to deter them. However, if you have a significant infestation, it will be safer to call a professional to deal with the issue (£50 to £100 per wasps nest). Removing a wasp nest yourself can lead to injury. 

4: Earwigs

Earwigs grow in population during the spring season and are at their highest in late May. They are considered pests because they bite garden plants, damaging or sometimes killing them. Even though they’re not dangerous to humans, they can often be found in the bathrooms, bedrooms and in the boiler room of your home. To identify them, they are up to an inch big and have flattened bodies in a brown colour. Getting rid of earwigs is quite easy; you can use a supermarket bug spray (£4 to £8) or trap (£5 to £15).

5: Woodlice

Woodlice love spring due to the damp and mild conditions; they are very small and have segmented exoskeletons. The reason they’re an annoyance is because they cause damage to wooden structures. This could be furniture inside and outside of your home. Due to the weakening structures, it presents a danger to the homeowner, as, for example, a chair could collapse when sat on. There are multiple ways to solve your woodlice problem, such as sealing entry points to wooden areas, using specialist powders (£2 to £8), or setting traps (£5 to £15).

Joshua Houston, Pest Control Expert at WhatCost:

‘’After the winter season, the UK sees a rise in pest activity. This is due to the increase in temperature and the return of a lot of plant life.

Pests can cost you a lot of money in damages, so it’s important that you are aware of what to look for. Fortunately, with these five tips, the pest control methods are simple and very affordable. Follow the tips given above, and it should sort your pest problem in no time.’’